02 Sep 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

02 Sep 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 2 Sep 1945

Fine, hot.

Bowls etc to G & V.

Airmail letter to Marj.

Poor issue of M & V, chocolate etc ex US. Had to draw for odds & ends of it. 11 oz meat ration – 3,  3 cigs – 2, mixed supper ration – 2.

Navy man had accident with Jap. pistol & is in T.B. Hosp in serious condition. G & V N.Duty on him. [I wonder if G & V are nurses?]

R.N. took over Camp Guard & hoisted White Ensign.

Marine Band of “Euralue” [Euryalus?] played on bowling green from 5-7pm.

Mary brought me tinned food from town & after duty 3-6pm had bottle H.B. & Hamburger with Steve.

Supper & little walk with G 9.15pm then took her to Hosp. 

∴ Cooked porridge. 2 tins Milk from Prison Store.