Blue Pool Road Massacre | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Blue Pool Road Massacre

I came across a link to a story about the Blue Pool Road Massacre. written by Lam Kwok-Fu.  This is identical to the descriptions given by our family members.


I notice in that article that he has included a picture of 51 - 53 Blue Pool Road as it currently stands and says this is the same building where the massacre took place. However, the building that currently stands here (stylish though it may be) was not built until 1953, so I suspect he is incorrect in this regard.

Thank-you.  I appreciate the information.

Is the massacre described above the same as the one mentioned in Tony Banham's book "Not the slightest chance" ? In his list of events on the 22nd Dec 1941 he writes:

18.00 The Japanese massacre thirty civilians at numbers 42B and 44B Blue Pool Road. They include Chao Yut and Mr Sit (both of the Ministry of Communications).

Henry Ching writes that he thought the massacre described by Tony "involved the Japanese seeking out specifically officials of the Nationalist Ministry of Communications", and notes the different addresses, so they may be two separate events.

Regards, David

PS Blue Pool Road had less houses in 1941, so the road numbering has probably changed between then and now.

It is an account that I have not heard of about the place though it somewhat coincides with what is written in the book "歲月無聲一個日本人追尋香港日佔史迹" where a former Japanese soldier described the place being taken over as a military office.

The image posted was not Tang's residence, as the house in the image was built after the war in the 1950s by my Grandfather.

Tang's residence (or part of what is left) still exists, and it is located further up on Blue Pool Road, at Broom Road.