Nora THOMAS (née GOURDIN) [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Nora THOMAS (née GOURDIN) [????-????]



The wedding was reported on page 4 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1920-02-23:


THOMAS—GOURDIN. Union Church. Kennedy Road, was very tastefully decorated on Saturday last, when at 11 a.m. Mr George Harold Thomas M.D., of the Tung Wah Hospital, was joined in matrimony with Miss Norah Gourdin, third daughter of the late Mr A.O.D. Gourdin and of Mrs Gourdin of 32 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Rev. J. Kirk Maconachie officiated.    

The bride was given away by her mother and attended by her sister. Miss Kathleen Gourdin, as bridesmaid. The duties of best man were performed by Mr N. Teesdale Mackintosh, M.A., Registrar of the University of Hongkong. Although the wedding was of a very quiet character and invitations had been issued only to the most intimate friends and to relatives, the church was well filled, the attendance including many of the University Professors and students. Quite a procession of motor cars carried the guests from the church to Hongkong Hotel where an informal reception was held. Among those present were Hon. Mr Claud Severn, C.M.G.,    Dr. and Mrs Jordan. Sir Robert Ho Tung. Hon. Mr Ho Fook, Mr J. W. Franks, Professor and Mrs Digby, Mr E. Ralphs, Professor Warren, Dr. McKenny, Dr. Koch, Mr Arthur Woo, Rev. and Mrs Kirk Maconachie, Professor Brown, Mr B. Wong Tape. Miss Skipton and many others.

The health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by Dr. G. P. Jordan, the Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University, who reminded the quests that Dr. Thomas was the first student to have graduated in medicine at Hongkong University, and the first to have obtained the further degree of M.D. from there. The bride, whom he had known from swaddling clothes, was certainly entrusting herself to one well fitted to look after her welfare in every way. Dr Thomas replied, and proposed the health of the bridesmaid, Miss Kathleen Gourdin, the best man responding. The happy couple left amidst the hearty cheers and good wishes of the guests.