George Herbert FOWLER [1912-1940] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

George Herbert FOWLER [1912-1940]

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He is buried in the Protestant Cemetery in Happy Valley. His gravestone has the inscription:

18---/03/06- In loving memory / of / FLT/CDT George Herbert Fowler HKVDF / born 17th March 1912 / killed in an aeroplane accident at Kai Tak / 24th August 1940 / In God's care and always in our thoughts / erected by loving Mum, Dad and familyon urn - from / Mum and Dad# 9941

The crash and the funeral were reported in the local newspapers, eg page 8, Hong Kong Daily Press, 1940-08-26:


Returning to Kai Tak Aerodrome from training and patrol duty on Saturday afternoon, a two-seater Moth Major, belonging to the Far East Flying Training School, crashed into the roadway skirting the aerodrome, bringing' death to one of her crew of two.

Killed instantly, as the. plane hit the road, was Cadet George Herbert Fowler, 29, of the Volunteer Air Arm. It was the first major accident in thousands of flying hours by Flight Cadets since the formation of, the Volunteer Air Arm over seven years ago.

Cadet Fowler’s pilot companion. Brian Maurice Hynes, 22, who was in the rear cockpit and presum ably at the controls, escaped with minor injuries.


The machine was returning to Kai Tak after taking off earlier in the afternoon for training and patrol duty. It crashed from a low height after coming In from the sea and nose-dived Into the road. 

The accident occurred shortly after 5.30 p.m. when the machine was observed making her way back to the landing field. After an apparently quite normal descent to where she was just about to swing over the gate entrance to land on the flying field, the plane crashed into the roadside near the entrance to the aerodrome.    


The engine was crushed into the fuselage and Cadet Fowler, who was in the front cockpit, received the full shock of the crash. 

Ambulances and fire engines were rushed immediately to the scene of the accident but fortunately no fire broke out. 

Mr. Fowler was found in the cockpit. He was beyond medical aid. Mr. Hynes escaped with minor external injuries. He was admitted to the Kowloon Hospital suffering also from shock, where his condition was described as fair.

There was no traffic passing along the road at the time or the crash and the thoroughfare was clear of pedestrians.    

It Is believed that either the machine stalled or the pilot lost control of the plane.


Mr. Fowler, who comes of a well known Hongkong family, was born on March 17, 1911. He was educated at the Central British School and joined the Government Service in August. 1926.     

He was attached first to the General Post Office and later to the Treasury. He served in the Railway Department last year and in September was transferred to the Colonial Secretariat.

Mr. Fowler married on his last leave to England. His widow, with whom the deepest sympathy will be felt, is at present in Australia, an evacuee. 


George Fowler was a versatile sportsman. In 1938, he played at centre-forward for the Hongkong Interport Hockey team against Macao, when Hongkong lost by the only goal scored. He appeared in many representative matches, and turned out regularly for Y.M.C.A., C.B.A., and the Hongkong Hockey Club.

He played tennis for C.B.A. in the League, and softball for Britain. at left-field, in the International softball series, and for C.B.A. in the League. Last year he turned out for the Kal Tak Rugby side in friendly games playing a full-back. He also played polo for “Y".

Mr. Hynes joined the Postal Department in 1936 and was promoted to Acting Assistant Senior Superintendent of Mails in 1938.


He visited Shanghai last year with the all-triumphant Colony Interport Rugby side, playing in the second row of the pack. He has been a regular player In Club’s first XV for two seasons, and last season appeared for Kai Tak in friendly games.


Military Honours Accorded 

The Rev. G. E. S. Upsdell, M.A., Hon. C.F., Principal of Central British School, where the deceased was educated, officiated at the funeral in the Protestant Cemetery yesterday evening of Mr George Herbert Fowler who died as the result of a tragic air crash at Kai Tak on Saturday afternoon. 

Military honours were accorded. the coffin, draped with a Union Jack, being borne to the burial ground by deceased’s colleagues in the Motor Machine-Gun Company of the Hongkong Volunteer Defence Corps.

Colonel H. B. Rose, M.C., Commandant of the H.K.V.D.C., was present with Major H. G. Williams and Capt. J. Watson, while a detachment of the M.M.G. Coy., paraded under Lieut. W. Stoker.

The chief mourners were the deceased's parents, brothers (Sidney, Fred and Ernest), sister (Florrie) and brothers-in-law (Mr. G. E. Dudley and Mr. Wheeler).

Two buglers from the Royal Scots sounded the Last Post and Reveillie.

Among those present were Hon. Mr. H. R. Butters (Financial Secretary), Mr. T. S. whyte-Smith (Registrar of Marriages). C.Q.M.S. Edwards. C.Q.M.S. Everest, Sergts.T. Swan. J. G. Meyer, T. Redman and W. H. G. Hirst. Messrs. G. .G. N. Tinson, A. J. C. Taylor. D. H. C. Taylor, A. J. G. Taylor. T. Lockhart, Chief Insp. W. R. Chester-Woods, Messrs. A. W. Ingram, H. Laurensz. E. W. Rallton. C. L. Gregory, L. Gregory. F. D. Angus. T. S. D. Whitley. E. MacNider, L. E Haynes. B. I Bickford, G. Gurevitch, L. Alltree, M. B. Manning. L. Glendinnlng, V. C. La-brum, W. E. Webber (rep. Stanley Platoon). L. A. Barton, L. D. Skinner. L. W. Hume. R. Goldman. J. Maycock, E. L. Strange. K W. Forrow. E.V. Reed and many others.


Flowers from deceased’s parents and wife were interred with the casket.

Wreaths were also sent by: Joan and Fred. Paddy and Ernest, Violet and Sidney. Auntie. Florrie and Uncle Arthur, Muriel, Buddy and children. Florence and Bill. Anne and Guilf, Mrs. Dudley (Senior), Brian, Ted Haynes, the Moss family, J. H. Maycock, Mr. and Mrs A. E. P. Guest, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. G. Hirst, Mr. and Mrs. Baily and Ken, Wm. C. Low, Dr. and Mrs. J. Lanchester, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. L. Glendinnlng, J. J. Tinson, D. B. Nelson, Dr. and Mrs.. J. T. Smalley and the Misses Smalley;

Mr. and Mrs. L. Alltree, Stanley. Platoon, Mr. and Mrs. Manning, C. and L. Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Everest and family, T. M. Gregory, R. Goldman, F. Angus, Mr. and Mrs, G. B. Gurevitch, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Budden and fami-
ly, Mrs. H. Whitley and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Peers, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. E. Booker and family, Mr. and Mrs. White (England), Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Strange, Mr. E. J. Murray and family, Mrs. S. H. Bickford and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. H Strange. Don and Pat Stott. Mr and Mrs. T. Black, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hume. John Sykes and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Neill.

H.E. Major-Gen. A. E. Grasett and Staff Officers. Headquarters China Command, The Officers, H.K.V.D.C. Air Arm, HK.V.D.C., Capt. W. C. Bird. The Officers, R.A.F. Station, Kai Tak. The C.R.A. and Staff, China Command, The Members, Sergeants’ Mess. H.K.V.D.C., 1st Battery, H.K. V.D.C., D.E.Z. Section,- 4th Battery. H.K.V.D.C, all Ranks. 7th Heavy A.A. Battery, RA, Field Coy. Engineers, H.K.VD.C., Sgts. Mess, 5th A.A. Regt, 5th A.A. Regt, RA., Lyemun Officers, 5th A.A. Regt. R.A. all Ranks, 17th Hy. A.A. Battery, H.K.S.R.A., all Ranks, 18th Light A.A. Battery, H.K.S.R.A., all Ranks. "A" Company, 5/6th Rajputana Rifles, Far East Flying Training School, Foreign Staff, China National Aviation Corp., The Superintendent and staff of Civil Airport, Matrons and Sisters, Queen Mary. Hospital, European Y.M.C.A., Swimming Section, European . Y.M.C.A. Kowloon. Committee and Members of the Central 'British Association. Hongkong Football Club. H.M. Water-polo Team, Prison Officers’ Club.


Siblings of George Herbert FOWLER [1912-1940]