20 Dec 1941, Father Biotteau's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

20 Dec 1941, Father Biotteau's wartime diary

Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 20 Dec 1941
((Original text)) ((Jill Fell's translation))
Dès hier soir le bruit a couru que les Japonais avaient tenté de prendre pied sur l’île du côté de Causeway Bay et Happy Valley… Ce matin la canonnade a repris, violente, vers 7h30, mais cette fois accompagnée d’une fusillade intense et d’un tac-tac incessant de mitrailleuses. Tout indique que c’est une bataille qui se livre. Depuis hier soir nous n’avons plus d’électricité ; à partir de ce soir, nous n’avons plus d’eau courante. Since yesterday, the rumour has been going round that the Japanese had tried to gain a foothold on the island in the area of Causeway Bay and Happy Valley...  This morning the gunfire began again, very violently towards 7.30, but accompanied this time by an intense tirade and by the incessant rattle of machine guns. All the signs are that a battle is in progress. Since last night we have had no power; since this evening no running water.