1-5 Ripon Terrace (IL1217) [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1-5 Ripon Terrace (IL1217) [????-????]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists

Photos that show this place



The land at IL 1217 was auctioned on 27th May 1889, see Notification 241 in the Government Gazette. The buildings should have appeared soon after, c.1890, as one of the conditions of sale was:

6. The Purchaser of each Lot shall build and finish, fit for occupation before the expiration of twelve calendar months from the day of sale, in a good, substantial and workmanlike manner, one or more good and permanent messuages or tenements upon some part of his Lot, and shall expend thereon a sum of not less than $4,000 (Four thousand Dollars). No houses other than buildings of the character and design usually tenanted by Europeans will be allowed to be built on Inland Lot No. 1,217.

(I found this by searching for 1217 in HKGRO.)

Thanks David

How strict was the enforcement of this clause; have you ever seen a lot taken back from the bidder becasue a building was not constructed?

Also how do I add places to existing photos not uploaded by me

Add a comment in the photo and the owner or David will update it. 

How strict was the enforcement of this clause; have you ever seen a lot taken back from the bidder becasue a building was not constructed?

I'm not sure how strictly that was enforced, or if any lots were ever taken back. I doubt the lot would stay empty for long though, as the owner would want to finish a building to sell it and recover the investment.

Also how do I add places to existing photos not uploaded by me

At the moment only the owner of the Place or admin can do that. Later this year I'll change the way they're linked so that anyone can add the link. So if you've got lots to do, I recommend you wait til later in the year when the change is made. If you see a photo that is really good to illustrate a Place and you want to add it now, then add a comment to it as Annelise suggests: "Please add Placename to this photo"

Regards, David

THE HKGRO is a goldmine of information, thanks! I wish you could search the actual documents as some of them are long.

Will update as many pictures as I can particularly for places that dont have any photos