琶洲塔 - Whampoa Pagoda [1600- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

琶洲塔 - Whampoa Pagoda [1600- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

Photos that show this place



The pointer seems to be a bit off?  Is that just my machine or a general thing?


This has to do with locations outside Hong Kong.  I placed it properly in the Edit section, but it is not right when viewed on the other map choices, including Google Hybrid maps.  Not sure whey.

The google map used when we edit has a point marked "Whampoa pagoda", but it's a short distance away from the actual pagoda's location. I switched to satellite view and moved the marker to where the pagoda can be seen.

You noted that some of the maps appear to be mismatched between the satellite images and the road maps. This is caused because the Chinese government only allows selected companies to make accurate roadmaps of China, and everybody else (including google) just has to make do with maps that are randomly distorted by just a little bit. The satellite images are unaffected by this, however, which is why the roadmaps and the satellite maps differ slightly, so when placing markers of places within Mainland China, use the satellite image maps for better geographic accuracy, but that makes it slightly harder to find if you're using the roadmaps.