Wong Nai Chung Gap NCO Bunker [c.1939- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Wong Nai Chung Gap NCO Bunker [c.1939- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 
c.1939-11-30 (Year is approximate)

Noticed this bunker was'nt marked. It is referenced as an NCO bunker on some of the billboards (I don't know exactly what makes that special apart from the fact that it housed NCO's). I suspect it was part of the Winnipeg Grenadiers HQ, most of which was demolished accross the road on the present day tennis courts.

This structure is unique, as it is two bunkers linked into a single strucuture, but it also has a flagpole; a feature that only this bunker has (to my knowledge).

For more info on this bunker and the engagements it was involved in refer to this link. ( http://gwulo.com/node/32356  




Photos that show this place