Photos of M Sternberg, Wholesale and Retail Postcard Dealer [c.1906-c.1914] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of M Sternberg, Wholesale and Retail Postcard Dealer [c.1906-c.1914]

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1905: Back of postcard A570

1905: Mount Austin Hotel with message to printer as the caption

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper, ca. 1910, M. Sternberg, No 51, Queen's Road Central, Hongkong

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper; map of Hong Kong

1910: Postcards Hong Kong wrapper postcards by M. Sternberg

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Greetings from Hongkong Chinese Fortune Teller

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Chinese Wedding Procession. Hongkong

1910: Postcard Hong Kong; Hongkong. Residences about Midway between the Peak and the City.