Bowrington Canal | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Bowrington Canal

Dear Colleagues,

The Bowrington Canal was filled up and demolished, I guess in the early 1930's. Maybe I am wrong with the year. Where has the water since then, from that stream  (which was originally coming from the hills behing Wong Nai Chung) now been deferred ? Is it still running underground the Canalstreet in to the sea ? Or has the waterstream been directed into a new location. I hope I have explained my question correctly. Thanks again for any answers

Kind regards, Daniel


The Bowrington Canal is still there; it is under Canal street. It was not full covered over until the 1970's (could have been late 60's however it had been narrowed from its original 19th Century width.  

This photo shows the area before the canal was constructed: it was an estuary/mudflat. 

We've got a handful of photos of it after reclamation put the river into a channel and it became known as the canal. The ones I can find are at: