Photos of Ping Shan House [1922- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Ping Shan House [1922- ]

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2016: 屏山樓 (歷史建築物) 1 Apr 2016.jpg

2016: 屏山樓閘門的把手也是古蹟.jpg

2016: 2016Nov5 right ground floor verandah 1.jpg

2016: 2016Nov5 front 1st floor verandah.jpg

2016: 2016Nov5 front 1st floor verandah 1.jpg

2016: 2016Nov5 right ground floor verandah.jpg

2016: 2016Dec11 stair well ground floor.jpg

2016: 2016Dec11 stair well 1st floor.jpg

2016: 2016Dec11 1st floor.jpg

2016: 2016Dec11 stair well landing.jpg