Shouson Hill [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Shouson Hill [????- ]

Current condition: 
In use

One of the hills surrounding Deep Water Bay. It overlooks Aberdeen on one side and Deep Water Bay on the other. Divided into East // West with two Roads. Shouson Hill Road and Shouson Hill Road West. Deep water bay road also exists on this hill. The Hill is named after the influential character Chow Shouson. The hill also held the Central Ordinance Munitions depot. Last areas to surrender in battle of Hong Kong. The hill was also conteseted in the Japanese advance, and changed hands multiple times.

Photos that show this place



Central Ordinance Munitions Depot:

Shouson Chow:

(I've also deleted the completion / demolition dates from the main entry above. They're just meant for buildings, and usually aren't needed for natural features like a hill. The exception is that Hong Kong does like demolishing hills and using them for reclamation, so in that case a demolition date makes sense!)

 yes hk is like that sometimes isnt it :) . Thanks for the help.