Researching Britons Living in Hong Kong, 1980s – 2012 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Researching Britons Living in Hong Kong, 1980s – 2012

Hi All,


I am researching the British community in Hong Kong between 1980 and 2012 for a History PhD. The project looks to collect the recollections of any British person who lived in the territory during this period on a range of subjects including: reasons for going to HK, occupation whilst there, living arrangements, memories of social life, recollections of the handover, reasons for leaving (if you did)!


I plan to post a question from my research each week on the forum. But if you have anything you remember, or want to hear more, please feel free to comment below or contact me at:


Thank you in advance for your help. This project is based on the stories of ordinary people, and I am keen to hear anything you remember from your time in HK.


Many Thanks,




Hi Chris, I moved here from the UK in 1989, stayed a few months, then came back in 1992 and have been here since. I'll add more detail as I see your questions.

Are you just gathering the stories, or are you hoping to distil any patterns from the replies?

Regards, David