1944 Notes from a friend | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1944 Notes from a friend

Book / Document: 

((These notes were added by Capt. Albert Jones, “Mathan”, Pwlleli, friend and fellow prisoner who delivered Captain Pritchard's memoir to his family after the end of the war.))

Capt. T. Pritchard passed away at Stanley Military – it was transferred to the military about the beginning of this year – Camp on August 10th 1944 about 4:00 AM and buried the same day at the old British Cemetery at Stanley; I arranged to have the Rev. D. M. Richards to conduct the service in Welsh and we sang that beautiful old hymn “O Fryniau Caersalem ceir gweled” wrth lan y bedd ((at the graveside)). Pall-bearers were Dr. Thomas, Glyndwr Davies, Mr Channy all Welsh. Mr Towns & Mr Hill represent the Guild & Mr Shaw one of his roommates here. It really was quite a beautiful funeral for Stanley.

Capt Pritchard was only ill a few hours, taken with pains in the stomach about 5:30am on the 9th but not very severe. I saw him at 10:00am, by that time he had seen the doctor & was taken to hospital about 11:00AM. I did not see him again but apparently that evening he got worse & passed away as stated. Of course like all of us here he had but little to east since his internment and he got triple hernia here and was suffering from Beri-beri for at least two years. The news of Mrs Pritchard’s death upset him a great deal and of course the worry about his two sons.

He left nothing behind worth moving. He came to the camp with nothing at all as he had lost everything in his ship. I gave him a shirt and a change here, and did what I could for him. Mr Hill & myself helped him to change quarters twice.

Post mortem examination was held and the result was recorded as per Death Certificate.