We're moving | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

We're moving

The move to the new hosting company is underway. Two limitations while this is happening:

  1. You can't add anything new to the site (comments, photos, etc)
  2. The Zoom function for photos may not be available

I'm hoping to have Gwulo running be running at the new hosting company tomorrow, and will add a comment here with updates when there is news.



Migration attempt #5 was the one that worked, so we're now running on the new server.

I know the Zoom feature isn't working. I've set the required files uploading, so you'll start seeing the Zoom re-appear, photo-by-photo. I'll let you know when they're all back.

If anything else is broken, please leave a comment below.

Thank you.  Regards,  Peter

All the files needed for zooming have been uploaded, so that should be working ok again now.


there is a problem with the upload of images. I tried several times, and the result shows below.

Regards, Klaus



The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.

Error message

  • Warning: Illegal string offset 'und' in drupal_array_set_nested_value() (line 6769 of /home/ftpadmin/public_html/gwulo.com/includes/common.inc).
  • Error: Cannot create references to/from string offsets in drupal_array_set_nested_value() (line 6769 of /home/ftpadmin/public_html/gwulo.com/includes/common.inc).

Hi Klaus,

I've just tried creating images by uploading files, or from Flickr, and both worked ok.

Please could you try again, in case it was a temporary problem that has already been fixed. If the problem still happens, please could you tell me the steps you take that cause the error message to appear, and if you're uploading a file please also send a copy of that file to my email address.

Regards, David

Similar problem in uploading images. Same warning message but line 6776!

It works ok for the admin user, but not for anyone else. I'll investigate.

Please could you try uploading an image and let me know if it works?

Fingers crossed I've tracked down the problems that caused the red error messages shown above. I've changed the site to run on the faster PHP 7.1 again.

If you find any screens that show the error messages, please let me know in the comments below. Please include a link to the page that caused the problem, and a brief description of the steps to make the error message appear.