Gated Tunnel on Governors Walk, below Victoria Peak Pagoda [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Gated Tunnel on Governors Walk, below Victoria Peak Pagoda [????- ]

Current condition: 

Small tunnel, gated off but visible on the Governors Walk path, just below Victoria Peak Pagoda, site of old governors mansion. May or may not be Japanese. Further investigation needed.

Photos that show this place


Hi Stephen. Was the tunnel entrance itself gated off and completely inacceessible? It is possible there are other entrances around aswell. If the appearance matched that of most Japanese tunnel portals, it is very likely to be Japanese I would think. Since there are a number of other (now blocked) japanese tunnels around High West and Harlech road. Not too far.

Maybe I will check the area out this week


There are two gated tunnels in this area, one is completley sealed, but it looks like a short tunnel anyway. The other tunnel, there is a gap in the gate and the earth behind it, one could easily climb the gate and get inside. 

The gated up one is directly on Governor's walk, do we have the location of the sealed one too? 

It is only a few feet away, also on the path. 

Thank you, will check it out soon. 

Visited today, starting from the gate, it leads to an end and then turns left until reaching an end several meters away.

BranchingInsideLargerGatedCaveGovernersWalk.png, by Chen QIAO

Unknown stuff on the roofs?

UnknownStuffInLargerGatedCaveOnGovernersWalk.png, by Chen QIAO

Besides, the left branch directs to a nearby small tunnel, which is posted at this node: