October Gwulo get-together | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

October Gwulo get-together


I'm in town for a month and happy to provide the venue for a lunchtime Gwulo get-together 12 noon - 2pm at the Amerian Club in Exchange Square.

Tuesday 10 October 

Smog permitting - there will be a view. 

Please RSVP to David or on this post.


Thanks Annelise, I'm looking forward to the lunch on the 10th. I'll also mention it in the newsletter this week.

Hello everyone - it would be wonderful to meet you all but as I live in France the date is not possible for me and it's my loss!

Have a fun and interesting time.

Best wishes to all you  "Hong Kongers" !




I also have a couple of maps to give you.

take care


Hi Peter, sorry we can't see you on the 10th. I wonder if there are enough Gwulo readers in France to arrange a meetup? I know several readers & contributors in the UK meet for lunch from time to time.

Dennis, I'll look forward to seeing you (and your maps!) on the 10th.

Regards, David

Interesting question David. Maybe in your records you have details of members with an address in France. I have a couple of friends here who are ex-HK but we're pretty spread out. However I'd be happy to organise something if there is sufficient interest.


I'll mention it in the weekly newsletter, and we'll see if there is any interest.


Thank you for the invitation. Lunch on Tuesday and an opportunity to meet some Gwulo folks sounds very enticing. Unfortunately, I'll be working then and won't be able to get away.



Room for a Texan to join?

David -  I would like to join the lunch on Tuesday, if not too late

very best, Bill GREAVES

9621 7510




Yes indeed. Anyone else?

Hi David. How do I get on this distribution list?

Hi Howzend, I see you've signed up for the newsletter, which is the best way to hear about any Gwulo meetups.