Woosung Street Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar [1984-2019] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Woosung Street Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar [1984-2019]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
c.1984-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)
Date Place demolished: 
c.2019-04-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

Woosung Street Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar, also named Temple Street Temporary Cooked Food Hawker Bazaar.

The bazar has 761m2​ with 24 stalls. It was opened in 1984. Very temporary!

Source here.

Update 2019-04-30. Demolished around April  2019. Source here. But: Food and Environmental Hygiene Department says "Temporarily closed for refurbishment".


Photos that show this place



Hi There,

The rebuilt is sort of completed but still fenced off.  It is now an oval structal occupying the centre of the plot of land. 

DSCF1761 (2).JPG
DSCF1761 (2).JPG, by tngan