The old Kennedy Road British School that was demolished probably 1952 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

The old Kennedy Road British School that was demolished probably 1952

Does any one remember this school?  I understood it was closed and we all moved to a newly built Peak School which I attended for one term?


I think it was the school at 28, Kennedy Road. That building is still standing today.

I remember we were not allowed to use the upstairs verandaahs  because they were considered unsafe and I always thought the building was going to be demolished.  I suppose a school of 60 students is very small and maybe not have been considered economically efficient.. I remember that from the road we went up a flight of steps and there was a field or grass playground on the right on the way up to the school building.  I looked up 28 Kennedy Road on Google Earth to see if I could recognise the building but it was a bit difficult.

i went to this school c1952 and on to the Peak School eventually. We lived at government flats on Kennedy Rd not far from the Peak Tram station there. I remember a shop on the same side of the road as the school, but not much else. Did Mrs Crozier teach at Kennedy Rd before going on to the Peak School?

No, Mrs. Crozier didn't teach at the old Kennedy Road School.  I was in the top class there and a Mrs Parsons, who I liked very much, taught us.  Mrs. Crozier was a very good teacher too.  Jane, were you at Kennedy Road as well as Peak School?

Yes - at Kennedy Road briefly, moving on to a kindergarten at the Albany flats later, presumably when KR closed. I went to Peak School twice I think, once when very young, then again in Class 10 when returning from leave in the UK. My older brother also attended KR and the Peak School. It is a long time ago and I can’t always remember the order of things, though I have visual memory of all the schools except KR. I was only four years old. I remember the shop on Kennedy Road though - a real ‘hole in the wall’ place that sold little plastic cap guns at 10c!

I remember that shop too,  I used to buy a hokey pokey bar for 55c. sometimes.  What was your brother's name?.  He may have been younger than me so I might not remember him,

Ngaire-my brother was a RobinHanbidge. He moved to the Peak School. I went elsewhere.

Hi Jane, thanks for your reply.  I don't remember your brother unfortunately.  I am sure there wasn't a Robin in my class - and the classes were quite small so it is likely I would remember the name if he had been. Kind regards, Ngaire

Our second daughter attennded the school between 1972 and 1974 and I remember a very sympathic teacher she had, Miss Robinson. The chidren used to refer to KRJS as King Rotten Jelly Sandwich. I guess it made sense to a six year old but I never got the joke! 

I used to stop at the little shop tucked into a   garage space near the school to pick up the occasional loaf of bread on my climb  from Central back up to 6M Bowen Road. Good exercise. 

I was back in HK in November after a very long absence and took a look at Kennedy Road but did not recognize the school  as still standing.  Nick