01 Jan 1942, P. O. W. and ESCAPE DIARY. | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

01 Jan 1942, P. O. W. and ESCAPE DIARY.

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 1 Jan 1942


Very bright clear day.  N.W. still blowing. Inspected camp and found it for the most part in filthy condition.  Latrines terrible and drains blocked.  1st Mx easily the best. 

Nips did not come today as they promised, to take the cases away, nor did they bring the equipment.  They are full of empty promises but never intend to do anything. 

Arranged to feed with Winnipeg Grenadiers.  Opened Isolation Hosp for dysenteries and put Albert in charge.  Had long talk with Coombes re moving [escaping] and took 1st step and had Lee transferred over here so that he can slip away easily.  Told Brigadier Peffers of the plans and he approved.  Had water fixed up, and enjoyed a good wash.

Much buying going on through the fence 3 buns for a dollar 1 bottle of beer $2 or 2 for $5.  Purves bought kettle for $5 and then we found it had a hole in it.  Had some pork with our rice this evening so put some bully with it and had quite a good feed.  Breakfast we had some of our own rice and made it with remnants from last night.  We had this at 10 a.m.  At 12 we had the rice issued to us for breakfast along with biscuits and some tea.

Had walk round after dark and think best way is by boat from the pier after full moon.  Scrounged an iron bed today and hope it will be more comfortable than the concrete.  Had Lee transferred to us today ostensibly to cook rice for patients but actually to make get away easier.