Photos of Junction of Battery Path and Queen's Road Central [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Junction of Battery Path and Queen's Road Central [????- ]

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1868: The Ice House Company's shop, Hong Kong

1900: Queen's Road Central at Battery Path

1905: Going up Battery Path + Rickshaws on Queen's Road Central Hong Kong.JPG

1910: 1910s Battery Path

1934: Battery Path Sedan Chairs

1936: 1936 Typhoon Queen's Rd C

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees and sailors outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees and sailors outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Hong Kong, American evacuees outside the National City Bank of New York

1940: Junction of Battery Path and Queen's Road Central

1941: Battery Path

1977: Queen's Rd Central.JPG

: Junction of Battery Path and Queen's Road Central