16 Jan 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

16 Jan 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 16 Jan 1943

There isn't very much new to tell, my voice is still a lost number and tho' I have a gargle and some cough mixture there appears to be little of an improvement.

D.B.B. and I were down at J.Fs' place last night for a mug of coffee and a talk over the dockyards probabilities and the hope of reconstruction. He gave us a packet of Royal Leaf cigarettes each when we came away. We have to be in the region of our own block by 8 o'clock each night, roll call is at 10 and lights out at 11pm.

J.Fs' series of lectures are going very well, attended by a large number. I went to both services at church last Sunday tho' for the 10 o'clock service I've got to leave early to go on rations.

The news trickling through is still very good and the daily 'comic cuts' (Hong Kong News) gives us quite good confirmation and sometimes a wee bit more as well.

The shows in St Stephens hall were quite good, being three one act plays. They were on for three nights, I went on Thursday. There is to be something new each week. Well dear I hope you are going strong and getting on champion. I'd love to hear from you my love.