Any information on 'Commercial Bank Buildngs, Queens Road', 1868? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Any information on 'Commercial Bank Buildngs, Queens Road', 1868?


I am looking for building called that was called the 'Commercial Bank building' which was on Queens Road somewhere in 1868. I have had no luck finding this building. There appear to be many companies in the 1860's in Hong Kong that had the word 'Commercial' in their name, but so far I haven't been able to find a building that had this specific title, I'm looking for the building where John Thomson, the photographer, first rented rooms in Hong Kong in 1868.

I would be most grateful if anyone has any ideas, I've checked the Carl T Smith card index, but nothing was listed there.

Thank you!



The only Commercial Bank I can find around that time is the Commercial Bank Corporation of India and the East, eg the 1865 Directory & ...

But I don't see its address given.

Thank you!

I had seen this bank in the directories but wasn't certain about it as it's not quite an exact match wording wise for the advertisment that I'm checking against. I will go back to the directories - thank you again!