Andrew Johnston, engineer, born 1844 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Andrew Johnston, engineer, born 1844

Interested in any information relating to my great-great grandfather, Andrew Johnston, as above.  He served his apprenticeship in Govan, Scotland, moved to China to work in 1867, subsequently moving to Hong Kong in 1875.  From 1875 - 1881 he was Manager of the West Point Foundry and Superintendent Engineer of the Cosmopolitan Dock Company.  From 1881 to 1886 he was Manager of the Lee Yuen Sugar Refinery (he is mentioned in Kaori Abe's book "Chinese Middlemen..", Routledge 2017). From 1886 to 1891 he was a Consulting Engineer (address Bank Buildings) and Lloyds Machinery Surveyor at the port.  I would like to know his personal circumstances - whether he married and/or had children.  He travelled to China from Govan with my great-great grandmother, Margaret (Maggie) Angus.  They had a child together (my great-grandfather) who they left behind in Govan, but they did not marry (Maggie subsequently married another Scot in Shanghai).  Thank you.


Smiths Cards

A Johnston 6 February 1886 manager Lee Yuen refinery

31 March 1886 Andrew Johnston died in San Francisco. He left Hong Kong 8 February because of health. Had been in colony for 22 years consulting engineer and Lloyds surveyor.

Many thanks.  In fact after posting my query I got in touch with an AGRA historian, Christine Thomas, who very kindly supplied me with a great deal of information about Andrew - for free!  Best wishes.