30 Jun 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

30 Jun 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 30 Jun 1943

Yesterday (Tuesday) evening I received your glorious and loving letter of 18th October 1942 so I think this one completes all the letters written by you in Glasgow during October '42 and for these dearest I can assure you I am very grateful. It is fine to know at the time of writing you were settling down in Glasgow and enjoying being there and keeping well and fit.

It is said that there are many more letters in town, but as the Japanese censor the letters again and judging by the rate the letters have been coming into the camp, they are very slow and I also think the Civil and Foreign Affairs Dept. are always in conflict with the Gendarmerie and the Military so that things are not easily dealt with.

Of course the other alternative is open to the Japs and that is either commit all the letters to the waste paper basket or burn them which they seem to have done with the previous lot namely the May, June and July letters of last year. However my dear we continually live in hope of letter days to come and the news we receive is still good and makes us hopeful.

The sensation of the season is the arrest of six internees by the Gendarmerie on Monday evening. W.J. Anderson (Andy), W.R.Scott and Lou Black (Police) ((I don't see a "Lou Black" on the lists of internees, but other reports mention Inspector Louis Whant, so I think that is who is meant here.)), Bradley (Similarily), Rees (Wireless) and Freddie Hall (Lew Crawfords). There are all sorts or rumours of wireless sets and money and what not, but there is at the moment nothing definite as to the reason. It appears very strange and I don't envy the lads.

I am busy these days typing out certificates for our staff just in case they get repatriated but my time is very restricted with being on rations all forenoon and now with Andy away I have more figures to work out. I have also typed out the new list of church sidemen for July and August.

The weather has been very wet lately but is now improving. D.B.B. and I were at J.Fs' on Saturday as usual.