Morning Light Apartments - 38A-38D Macdonnell Road [1954- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Morning Light Apartments - 38A-38D Macdonnell Road [1954- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 

Photos that show this place


Instead of "Date Pace demolished", it should be "Date Place completed". I was one of the tenants of that building in the 50s to 60s.

...and I was one of your neighbours from Happy Mansion next door, in 1956-1957.

We might have run into each other during our younger days. But since those apartments were on a terrace, we traveled by private cars most of the time. Nice meeting you in the air! Are you still living in Hong Kong?

I have come back to Canada since 1977 but I still miss Hong Kong daily. The Hong Kong that you and I used to know and love was certainly a very unique place.

I have been living in the U.S. since the late 60s. Have visited Hong Kong several times. I still miss the old and unique city known as Pearl of the Orient.