Photos of Pussy Cat Bar [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Pussy Cat Bar [????-????]

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1965: 1965 Lockhart Road Bar Signs

1966: 1966 Lockhart Road - Wanchai Bar Scene

1967: Fenwick Street, Wanchai, 1967

1967: Fenwick street Wan Chai in 1967

1968: Pussy Cat Bar

1969: 1969 Fenwick Street

1970: 1970s Lockhart Road Bar Signs

1972: 83 Bar

1974: Diamond Steakhouse, Wanchai 1974

1975: Pussy Cat Bar

1975: 1970s Lockhart Road Bar Signs

1976: Suzie Wong and Club Pussycat Bars Mid 1970's HK.jpg

1979: Pussycat Bar, 1979