26 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

26 Aug 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 26 Aug 1943

Today I received your glorious and loving letter of 5th January this year and jolly nice and welcome it was too. I'm greedy so hope I get some more. I'm so glad that you are fit and well at the time of mailing and getting along all right. Thanks dearest for all your good wishes and for your news.

Our great hope is in repatriation and the news is hopeful so that it may come our time soon. The Canadians and the remainder of the Americans are to go by a ship called the 'Teia Maru' sometime about the middle of next month.

Well yesterday we had two great air raids on Hong Kong one at about 10.30am and the other about 5pm. In the forenoon 8 bombers and 6 fighters, in the evening quite a large number and again yesterday afternoon 14 bombers and 6 fighters and oh boy it was great to see the grand sight of our boys doing his stuff and dropping their eggs and the noise of the 'crunch' was very reassuring. Let's hope they come again and again. 

Today we received 25Yen and this will be most useful for buying the extras so necessary. The weather is very hot.