25 Sep 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Sep 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 25 Sep 1943

The repatriation ship Teia Maru of 17530 tons ex 'Aramis' (French Mail) arrived off Stanley on Wednesday evening 22nd inst. amidst very heavy rain. The Canadians had instructions to board her next day, first to be outside the prison at 12.30 for inspection of luggage. Actually the tender from the pier took them on board at 5pm and the vessel sailed at 9.20pm bound for Goa for exchange with the 'Gripsholm', 62 Canadians and 2 Americans left.

I gave Bill Buchannan a message asking him when he saw Mrs F to ask her to be good enough to write you and report on my condition and well-being and my love to you. They are all lucky blighters and tho' we are envious nevertheless we wish them all well.

6 boys arrived from the north by the ship, sons of residents. The camp strength has now been reduced to from 2575 to 2515.

Charlie Rowcliffe asked J.F. and I to coffee on Wednesday evening as a farewell to Bill Buchannan and Jack Robinson and his wife, both of B&S. It was very wet and next day was wet too, but it has cleared and is nice again.