27 Dec 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

27 Dec 1943, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 27 Dec 1943

Christmas has come and gone and much better than expected. The news from the outside world is good and we are winning slowly but surely. A long spell of blackouts have been cancelled. On Thursday we received 15Yen allowance and today a further 5Yen also a present from the Japs. of soya beans 1 catty per head, 1 3/4oz of margarine and 2 tins of pork --- beans amongst 7 persons.

We had a big pie made for our Xmas dinner with sausages, sweet potatoes, onions and turnip and boy oh boy it was good. We had a rare tightener. Today I was invited to the Wiley’s room for tiffin and another grand feed. It was fine. ((Probably the Willey family, as their father Frederick Willey worked at Taikoo Docks like George Gerrard did.))