13 Feb 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

13 Feb 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 13 Feb 1944

Things go on as usual in this place and with the weather being so cold one is always hungry, so that will be beneficial in that respect when the warmer weather arrives.

There is nothing much to report as regards our rations, tho' the vegetables we are receiving have improved slightly in quality and quantity, but we are receiving fish every day and so one missed beef. To give us the necessary fats and of course the loss of the flour for bread is a serious business for us.

However it gives us the assurance that all is going well with our cause when the Japs cannot replenish stocks. Our blockade of the coast is therefore hot stuff. The Jap Governor has told the people of Hong Kong that if there is no rice they must eat sweet potatoes and if no potatoes then they must eat beans. What was it that Marie Antoinette said 'What do the people want' 'Bread' ' Well give them bread' 'There is not any bread' 'Well give them cake'? I'm glad to say that I am keeping all right and back to normal again, my weight being 150lbs but I feel we (men) will get lighter still on this diet.

We had an air raid on Friday afternoon and the Japs say that we lost 4 planes, but the true story is that they lost 1 plane and that we did a lot of damage to the troop movements in Kings Park.

Tomorrow we are to receive a ??? from the canteen profits of 1/4lb of brown sugar which will be very welcome. The block elections take place next week and I hope to stand again.