28 May 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

28 May 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 28 May 1944

I have spent most of the week in bed and in the lavatory with continuous diarrhoea, terrific pains in the tummy and my haemorrhoids lousy. However I am feeling much better now and on my feet again. I had to have the Block doctor Dr Rhys Jones and he fixed me up all right. I am to see Dr Yaroosky on Tuesday and in the meantime I am having thiamine injections from Mrs Godfrey who has been giving me them here everyday while I was seedy.

On Friday I received your lovely postcard dated 6/10/43 which is the most recent news from you and I am so bucked that you were well and still in Inverness. I wish tho' that you were receiving my cards but I have heard that news and dear postcards have been received at home. Then yesterday I received your lovely letter dated 15/11/42 which was just as glorious but you'll note the wide differences in the dates of letters received. I consider myself lucky in receiving so many letters from you for many others have only got very few. We live in hope that happy days will come our way soon again. I'm longing for you Nell.

We have received 10Yen allowance this week, but with the price of things so high it goes no distance at all and is just enough to buy our usual lot of weekly cigarettes that is 4 packets. Last week I got 25Yen sent to me from Gordon Dewar who is over in Argyle Street Camp, N.Finnie also got the same amount. A tin of corned mutton amongst 4 was also distributed and we are to get a 1/4 gill wong tong each free from the canteen out of their profits.