20 Sep 1942, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

20 Sep 1942, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Sun, 20 Sep 1942

I should have been in hospital tonight - the blood count was bad and Smalley's certificate describes me as having "acute anaemia"   I saw Greaves' certificate too - Haemoglobin 52%. Red Corpuscles 2,270,000 in place of the usual 5 million.  I fixed up a bed yesterday and got all ready but I heard at 11 that they had to admit an emergency case - poor old Bellamy has a septic foot  and is threatened with general septicaemia.

So I'll go in on Tuesday the 22nd and I'm going  to feed up when I'm there even though  a tin of "bully"  costs H$10 and 6 oz Carnation milk H$7.  Rest and extra food will soon put me right I'm sure. 

 A.I.A.W      B.B.