16 Jan 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

16 Jan 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 16 Jan 1943

Many Happy Returns, Darling.  I wished them to you at 4pm (7am with you) when I thought you would be awake and I have been thinking of you ever since. 

It is amazing how the news that I had got a letter from you was all round the Camp in a few hours and I had to tell the story to hundreds within the next 24 hours.

My back is very sore tonight so I hope you will excuse me writing  - it has been bad for the last few days, that is why I haven't written - I must try and conserve my energy.           AIAW.    B.B.