28 Jan 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

28 Jan 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Thu, 28 Jan 1943

It was our turn for the Canteen this morning so I have been busy buying sugar and peanuts etc.  This afternoon is free so I thought I'd write a little. There is a Concert on tonight and I have a ticket for tonight - we have all got different coloured  tickets and can then only go on the night that colour is drawn for.  I may go if I can get away early enough to get a seat - I couldn't stand all that time!

What stories I'll have to tell you when I get back - I hope I get away soon - I'd like you to see me before I get fat again - I hope I never do but fear that will be impossible.  We have been teetotal of course for over a year now.  Tomorrow is exactly one year since we came here and Saturday the 30th is the anniversary of coming  to this room.  Fancy a whole year in this little cell!  But we have a lot to be thankful for - camp bed and a mattress sufficient blankets, 2 sheets 2 pillows and our old quilt. So I am always warm and comfortable at night.  My sheets and pillows are usually filthy - I have just had them washed so they are nice just now but they don't stay long clean and white and we haven't sufficient soap to wash them often. We must keep it for our clothes.  I'll be so glad to get back to a nice clean bed.  And of course I haven't had a bath for over a year - I mean a lie down bath. How I long for one! We wash Chinese fashion, standing up, with a cloth and then I pour the basin over myself!!  To wallow in a nice warm bath would be lovely.

We are beginning to wonder if they will try and take us all to Formosa or Japan.  They have taken a lot of the troops away - I hope they leave us here          So Cheero again Darling. News is better than ever - Germany must crumple up soon.          A.I.A.W.   B.