25 Jun 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Jun 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

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Fri, 25 Jun 1943

Lots of letters have come in but none for me yet.  They are dated October last year and letters we were allowed to send, which went by the Asama Maru to Lourenco Marques, (taking also the Americans) had arrived home.  Dora had replies from Ethel Loudon and Ernie Spence. The latter had seen you and I gathered you were disappointed that nothing had reached you but of course, Honey, I had no idea where you were and I think I sent that letter to Dacca.  But I also sent a letter out on the q.t. - it would go to Dacca too but I asked the lady to write to Edith also. I suppose these letters will turn up someday but you would have a long wait for them.

When Glover went to Shanghai at the beginning of August last year he tried to find out where you were but failed.  So the next thing we sent - an I.R.C. message form on 20/10/42 went to Dacca also.  My letter of 30/4/43 is the first thing to go right home.  Now we've got a p.c. to send by 29/6/43 though we've to date it May!  I hope I'm home before it but hope is faint these days.     Cheero Darling.  B.