03 Jul 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

03 Jul 1943, W J Carrie's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 3 Jul 1943

Two Red Cross Letter forms arrived from you today of 23/12 & 20/1/43.  I was so glad to get them.  I was feeling very depressed and they cheered me up.  I can't understand  why you have never received  the letter one of the American ladies took - she was to send it to Dacca but as she got home to USA  in August I can't understand why the letter hadn't gone to Dacca and back to you by January.  Perhaps all communication is difficult.

I was to have another blood count today but Greaves was busy.  He gave me one of my collars which had come in in a parcel from his Senior Lab. Attendant at the B.I.  That means my cabin trunk has been broached and I expect that everything is now lost.  I expected it latterly but hope lingers on and now is all blasted.  So I was rather down when your cheering letters came.  Material possessions just don't matter - we'll do with a lot less in future. 

So Goodnight    L.O.   AIAW.   B.