Foot path leading up the ridge towards Matilda Hospital [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Foot path leading up the ridge towards Matilda Hospital [????- ]

Hi there,

I think I have found the foot path, but it seem rarely used these days as it is sort of overgrown.  It is just about twenty to thirty steps up hill from the pavilion, right at the place where the main path widen into a concrete service road.  If you look to your right you should be able to see it, it would be difficult to miss.

Once again, when I was there earlier today it was already 1700 hrs, with less than an hour to sunset.   I am not equipped to scramble up anyway.  You would probably need long trousers, long sleeve tops or even gloves.  I do hope there would be no nasty things like snakes, bees/wasps and fire ants.

Best Regards,



Well, the good news is that Rob has confirmed it's up this path along the ridge, the bad news is that it is close to the top. He says the path was overgrown in 1997 when he visited the AOP, so it won't be an easy climb. I'd like to try it sometime over this winter though.

Hi there,

It would be quite a daunting climb, I think.  Might have to hack your way through in some locations.  I have walked into the path for a few seconds and found all the trees and grass are taller than I am.  I am 173cm (plus 2cm while wearing hiking boots).  Definitely not a trail for a solo.

1. From Apleichau

2. From Hong Kong Trail near Peel Rise:

Best Regards,




I went back here a couple of weeks ago, and saw the start as you described. Luckily there was an old man walking by, who looked like a regular hiker. He said he'd been along the path several times, and it was marked with ribbons tied to trees. His main instruction was to stick to the top of the ridge and it would be fine.

So I headed up the ridge. The route of the path is clear to see except for a couple of places. Along the second half there was a spot with a couple of possible paths. I took one that seemed to get very thick with growth, so tried the other and it was fine. The main problem is the very top. The old man tried to explain how to get to the road, but I couldn't understand him. And though there are ribbons along most of the path, I couldn't see any at the top. If anyone knows the correct route out onto the road, please let us know.

It's a walk for long sleeves and trousers, but it's not much of a fight to get through. The bottom section is knee-height bracken, then higher up you get shoulder-height bushes, and some sections where they grow overhead and it's quite clear to walk along underneath.

Regards, David