Photos of Tsim Sha Tsui Market [c.1911-c.1999] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Tsim Sha Tsui Market [c.1911-c.1999]

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1915: 1910s Peking Road

1930: 1930s Tsim Sha Tsui KCR station, YMCA and Peninsula Hotel

1935: 1930s TST and Hung Hom

1950: Peking Road, 1950-54

1960: 1960 TST Canton Road

1961: 1961 Canton Road

1970: 1970 Canton Road

1972: 1972 Peking Road

1974: 1974 TST Canton Rd

1986: 1986 - Peking Road

1995: 尖沙咀街市,九龍首個西式雙層街市 Tsim Sha Tsui Market

1995: Peking Road c 1995

1996: Peking Road Redevelopment