Li Chit Street, Wanchai [1887- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Li Chit Street, Wanchai [1887- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 
c.1887-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

Named after: Li Chit. Carl Smith says the Li family became the largest Chinese landowners in Hong Kong in the nineteenth century. [1]


  • 1887: [Marine Lot 25] 'was redeveloped in 1887 and Li Chit Street was cut through'. [1]
  • 1919: 'The laying out of a new street (Li Chit Street) and the erection of 30 Chinese houses on M.L. 25, Praya East, was commenced.' [2]
  • 19??: In recent years the street was pedestrianised.

I've set 1887 as the year the street was created, though I guess it was more of a lane through private property then, and only became a public street in 1919. Here's a view of the north end of the street in 1902:

9 + 10 Praya East
9 + 10 Praya East, by Admin

The archway in the centre was the entrance to this lane / street, with numbers 9 and 10 Praya East on either side.

Other points of interest


  1. Wanchai: In Search of an Identity by Carl Smith, published as a chapter of Hong Kong: A reader in social history.
  2. 1919 Public Works Department's annual report

Photos that show this Street