2020-03-10 Gwulo website crashed | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

2020-03-10 Gwulo website crashed

Shortly after waking up this morning I checked email and found a long list of alert emails, telling me the website had stopped working at about 5:30am Hong Kong time.

The hosting company's help desk were unable to repair the problem (a corrupt database), so instead I've asked them to restore a backup copy that was made yesterday.

The good news is that the website is up and running again.

The bad news is that any changes you made to the website between roughly 11am yesterday (Monday, March 9) and 5:30am today (Tuesday, March 10) have been lost. I lost a couple of hours of edits I made yesterday afternoon, but will add them back again later today - I'm sorry if you are in the same situation.

The help desk can't spot any obvious cause of the crash. I hope it was a one-off glitch but will watch to see if it happens again and is a sign of any underlying problem.

Regards, David


Thanks for the up-date, David.  Sorry to hear of your problem.  I was wondering where 2  comments of mine had gone to.  I'll try to re-write them.  Best wishes, Andrew