1 Lincoln Road, Kowloon Tong (1964) | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 Lincoln Road, Kowloon Tong (1964)

1 Lincoln Road, Kowloon Tong (1964)

Building on left: 1 Lincoln Road, right: back side of 107 Waterloo Road, Kowloon Tong.  Background: Lion Rock.  Photo (January 1964)

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Wednesday, January 1, 1964


It's such an incredible photo, OldTimer.

Where in the world are you now?

Did 1964 turn out to be a good year?


Thank you Min Er for your interest.  I explored this area by bike.  On hiking trips to Shatin, this was the starting point through the neighbourhood, and some trips along train tracks from Boundary Street then uphill at the tunnel's south portal.  Kowloon Tong was very quiet yet had a friendly atmosphere; today, too busy and commercialized may I say.

This photo was taken by my "street" friend shortly before I left Hong Kong for Canada, so 1964 was the year of big transition.  For the memory, he included Lion Rock in the background.  Regards,  Peter

Thank you, Peter.

Your comments are very meaningful, as shown in the photo that context gives meaning to our content, including verbal and non-verbal language.

The context here may indeed, be near departure, a transition to another place -- for a young man. It has many emotions, but mostly good ones as a footprint or moment in time to remember.

My family also moved to Canada a few years after you.

From Gwulo, I have gained, revisited, and thought about a whole range of cool things. Hong Kong is a bit of a mystery with more fusion packed into one place than most people can imagine.

Yes, Boundary Street, Lion Rock, Shatin -- these all ring a bell.

I appreciate your thoughts very much.