03 Sep 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

03 Sep 1944, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 3 Sep 1944

Five years ago today we declared war on Germany, what a turmoil and change has taken place in that time. The Germans are gradually getting back to their own lands again from whence they started. Our movements in France are amazing, we are all great map studiers and follow the moves forward with great keenness. Actually the Chinese and Japanese papers give us more up to date news than the English rag which is now only one page and double in price.

Everything is so high in price that our small pittance of sen allowance viz. 12.50 Yen goes no distance at all. We received this allowance on Saturday. Another high Hong Kong and Singapore Bank Official has gone west, Edmonstone who has died in prison of cardiac beri beri, he was sentenced to 15 years along with Andy and the others last year. It is a sad state of affairs in the Japanese record that they had no doctor to attend to him nor would they allow any of the large number of doctors in camp to go into prison and assist him until it was too late.

We hear now that the other bankers etc. who have been in prison for months have now been sentenced, but no indication of the length of the sentences has been given. The men are Selwyn Clarke, Camidge, Cruickshanks, Foy and Leiper. Mrs Flaherty who is in prison has not yet been sentenced.

We had tongue for chow on Saturday evening, the Japs sending in frozen Ox tongue from D. Form Cold Storage and Boy Oh Boy it was great. It was undoubtedly the best meal we have yet had. A few more meals of that type and everyone would benefit greatly.