Adopted - Tracing Birth Mother | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Adopted - Tracing Birth Mother

I am looking for my birth grandmother on behalf of my dad who was adopted early 1960.

I'm working with a pro-bono tracer on getting info. from the Red Cross (but it's taken years so far). All in all it's taken me the better half of a decade to obtain some non-identifying info. from the SWD but with HK governmental agencies not really operating at the moment, there's a hold-up with any progress and I'm getting a bit anxious. So I thought to give this forum a go as I've found the sleuthing here top notch.

I know in the early 60s she was a dance hostess living in Causeway Bay/Wan Chai and worked in garments, and took English lessons in the evening. She lived around Lockhart/Hennesy Road. 

Any tips, hints, leads would be appreciated. 

Thank you,



Have you contacted at all? Their main interest is the orphanages and childrens homes, but they may have some tips.

Hi David, I haven't. I had always thought they were only responsible for children placed at Fangling, but see now their coverage is all the Hong Kong orphanages. Thank you.

It's a long shot, but another option could be to try one of the DNA services like that might give you more clues about your grandparents' background, or if you're very lucky put you in touch with a relative.