14 Aug 1945, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

14 Aug 1945, Diary of George Gerrard in Stanley Internment Camp Hong Kong

Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 14 Aug 1945

A big shock on Friday 10th August when news came that about 175 men including the wives of those that had them were to proceed to town that same day. They were mostly electrical, wireless, civil and mining engineers. We had to bustle around and give them their rations etc. Tom MacIntyre from our room, W. Little and S. Docherty were the 3 T Dockyard ((Taikoo Dockyard)) workers who went. They took all their luggage and left the pier by the Prep. school sometime late in the evening on an N class of vessel and said to be headed for Kooloa ((Kowloon)) somewhere.

This forenoon we had a special pasting from a lone plane which machine gunned, cannoned and shot small vessels which attend to the boom. Russia in the war against Japan, splendid. Now it shouldn't be long.