Dent & Co. (West - Praya and Pedder) / Melcher's Building - ML 7 Sec C [1863-1889] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Dent & Co. (West - Praya and Pedder) / Melcher's Building - ML 7 Sec C [1863-1889]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

Melcher's Building

Dent & Co. occupied three buildings on the corner of Pedder Street and Praya Central (the waterfront) where The Landmark complex is now situated.

After Dent collapsed in 1867, Melchers & Co, which began trading in Hong Kong in 1866, moved into the West portion of the 3 buildings on the Praya.

"One DWELLING HOUSE containing Five Rooms on the first Floor and Six Rooms on the Second Floor, with Bath Rooms, Kitchens, Out Offices, &c.&c, with Gas and Water laid on, and a Godown below, capable of holding about 2,000 tons."

Photos that show this place


Pedder Street

Dent & Co.


Peddars Wharf

Added demolition date of 1889, based on these notes.

At some point I'd incorrectly set this page's url to "hong-kong-hotel". I've just cleared that so it is set back to its correct value.

Only the Western portion of this building was demolished in 1889. The centre survived until at least 1903/04 and the easten part also survived longer.

There are places created already for the central portion: and the eastern portion: so I suggest renaming this to Dent & Co Building (2nd Generation) Western section


I've added the lease start date of ML7 as "completion date".