Dent & Co. (West - Praya and Pedder) / Melcher's Building - ML 7 Sec C [1863-1889]
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Melcher's Building
Dent & Co. occupied three buildings on the corner of Pedder Street and Praya Central (the waterfront) where The Landmark complex is now situated.
After Dent collapsed in 1867, Melchers & Co, which began trading in Hong Kong in 1866, moved into the West portion of the 3 buildings on the Praya.
"One DWELLING HOUSE containing Five Rooms on the first Floor and Six Rooms on the Second Floor, with Bath Rooms, Kitchens, Out Offices, &c.&c, with Gas and Water laid on, and a Godown below, capable of holding about 2,000 tons."
Dent & Co.
Added demolition date of
Added demolition date of 1889, based on these notes.
Corrected url
At some point I'd incorrectly set this page's url to "hong-kong-hotel". I've just cleared that so it is set back to its correct value.
Rename Building
Only the Western portion of this building was demolished in 1889. The centre survived until at least 1903/04 and the easten part also survived longer.
There are places created already for the central portion: and the eastern portion: so I suggest renaming this to Dent & Co Building (2nd Generation) Western section
I've added the lease start
I've added the lease start date of ML7 as "completion date".