Tai Tam Tuk No. 2 Staff Quarters [1936- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Tai Tam Tuk No. 2 Staff Quarters [1936- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 
c.1936-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

This building is part of the Staff Quarters Compound, together with the Senior Staff Quarters (built 1905), Staff Quarters (built 1907) and some outbuildings. They are currently awaiting revitalisation.

"No. 2 Staff Quarters is a two-storey building situated on a raised platform further west to the Staff Quarters. It was originally built as a pressure filter house in 1936 but was later converted to staff quarters for Works Supervisors. The building is Lshape in plan with an external open concrete staircase constructed at the side and an open verandah at the upper level facing seaside. The exterior of the building is fairfaced red bricks, with Shanghai plaster finishes at columns and along the bottom of walls. Most of the doors and windows openings have been found altered, the original main entrance should be located centrally on the ground floor with doorcase finished with Shanghai plaster. Brick partitions are used on the ground floor while wooden partitions are used on the first floor, bathroom on the first floor is later addition. There is also a later-added outbuilding which is used as bathrooms located adjacent to the building." ('Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme - Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Pumping Station Staff Quarters Compound - Resource Kit', Nov 2019, p.5)

(In 2019) "No. 2 Staff Quarters appears to be in poor condition. Glazing of windows and some doors are replaced by wooden board. Some finishes are damaged. The Outbuilding of No.2 Staff Quarters appears to be in fair condition. Paint peeling can be seen within the building" ('Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme - Tai Tam Tuk Raw Water Pumping Station Staff Quarters Compound - Resource Kit', Nov 2019,, p.8)