Hong Kong Oral History Webinar | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Hong Kong Oral History Webinar

Hi everyone,

My name is Ryan Sun. The Hong Kong Studies Initiative at UBC will be hosting a webinar given by Amelia Allsop titled "Recording Hong Kong: The Oral History Collection of the Hong Kong Heritage Project" on March 5 @ 12-1:30pm PST. I've included a short description and link to the event. It'll certainly be of interest to many vistors here at Gwulo. Make sure to register and I hope to see you there!


Description: Oral history is a powerful tool that can empower those marginalised in both history and historiography. But what can it tell us about Hong Kong? In this presentation, Amelia Allsop discusses the creation of one of the largest oral history collections in Hong Kong. Part corporate archive and part community heritage hub, The Hong Kong Heritage Project (hongkongheritage.org/) holds over 500 filmed interviews with individuals from all walks of life. This presentation will take us on a journey from the capture and recording of interviews to their use in exhibitions, museums, and online. Amelia will discuss how the Project confronts “difficult histories” and the ways in which interviews can reveal diverse understandings about Hong Kong’s past. In the process, Amelia will describe the Project’s methodology and share tips about how to create a successful oral history programme.


Hi Ryan, if I've got my timezones right, midday PST is 4am the following day in Hong Kong, so not great timing for a HK audience. (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20210305T12&p1...)

If there's a recording, please could you come back and give us a link to it when it is ready?

Regards, David