WBDS #26, High West [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

WBDS #26, High West [????- ]

Current condition: 
In use

#26 is located near the Pinewood PF Cells at the Lung Fu Shan. This WDBS  is different from most of the WDBS at High West with the Broad Arrow on top of WD instead at the middle of WD.

WDBS#26.jpeg, by Love My Lazy Sundays


Thanks for adding these discoveries. I've added the tag war department boundary stone, so we can see them on the map together with the earlier stones:


I'd previously thought this piece of WD land extended along Harlech Road, but now we see the boundary swings up to the north, then probably downhill to the Pinewood battery.

Hi David,

Thank you for your attention. I am working on the WDBS for High West and Mt.Davis. The boundaries got some discrepancy from time to time, found some clues on the survery map, hope can putting them all together. 

highwest-HKMAPS1913-map.jpg, by Love My Lazy Sundays

The High West WDBS area

159-se-11-1955 zoomin.jpeg
159-se-11-1955 zoomin.jpeg, by Love My Lazy Sundays