31 Dec 1942, John Charter's wartime journal | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

31 Dec 1942, John Charter's wartime journal

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 31 Dec 1942

My pen has lain idle for nearly a month. I had intended during this month to write up the period between Dec 8th 1941 and the day which first started this diary: many war anniversaries have been observed during this month; but I regret that this jogging along, camp life existence does not improve or mend my procrastinating ways. However, I must make this entry tonight, during the remaining 1 ½ hours of ‘1942’, and speed up this never to be forgotten year with a sincere prayer of thanks that so far we have come through with health and undimmed hope for the future, but at the same time a heart-felt,
 “Thank God it’s over!”.

It was difficult to wish people a ‘Merry Christmas’ but it will be by no means difficult to wish them a  “Happy New Year”.  In three weeks from today we shall celebrate the anniversary of our arrival in Stanley. It seems incredible. Well, goodbye 1942; I have loved thee not, but no experience in life is wasted and, who knows I may have learnt more during this year than I imagine. All I hope is that it will prove to be the most uncomfortable year of my life! I have before me, a copy of Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ and must e’en read a page or two e’er I retire. So perhaps I shall finish 1942 in a better way than I began it.